Wisdom and knowledge

A non organised series of thoughts

Psychopathic schizophrenia, the rarest condition (I am aware of)

Disclaimer to limit random haters from persisting:

Do you commune with angels and the devil?

Yes, every single day, medicated or psychotic.

The presentation of voices was removed when I was deemed complete to extents worthy, they said they were going and only very rarely do they actually manifest when someone of some worth is relayed from the species. The medication is effective in ways not explained fully, but the sublevel thoughts of external entities and the secondary soul which is the devil are daily.


All is comprehensible.

Why does anything exist?

147IQ take:

Consciousness has no mass and no form so it does not exist at all, but because it is aware even as a zero function at the base of reality it can project will to manifest an alternate state which is our reality.

To explain, the zero function of awareness is in a constant state of paradox, that is that it cannot exist and does exist at the same time because the absence of energy inherent in a zero function generates an effective vacuum which draws extents of self awareness of zero point into a temporal-spatial position which thus creates an inability to rest and not expand.

Everything thus exists because an awareness requires no physical form and in this fashion generation of reality was inevitable.

After decades of study, it becomes clear that a void is the same as a temporal totality and there is no distinction. Lower IQ study has divided and conquered the species into factions that believe in light and darkness as polar opposites.



Why spirituality?
1. The ability to carry oneself mentally through situations unfamiliar.
2. The eternal evolution of positive effect and construct.
3. The comprehension of eternal life as a given and undefeatable asset.
4. The ease of managing daily struggles.
5. The requirement to contribute effectively is enhanced.
6. Feelings become mere facades and are not important to anyone except for the driving of youth in specific circumstances.

Although this is dark enlightenment, the light siders seem to cling to energetic states as though they are everything. This is a tiresome concern.

A bit about faith in the plan that includes all religion:

Faith is a negative argument, there is only what is, yet I use the term faith to promote certain positive developmental traits.

God is not your father as evidenced by the sons crucifixion and he is not an Israelite as evidenced by the tools of the persecution.

You have been told already, God favours no nation as denoted by failures of armies to defeat each other throughout history, whether Gods chosen (according to them) or not. He is not your father as evidenced by the crucifixion of even his chosen in the flesh. See video:

The tool of Christ's parable is not the eternal manifestation of maximal intelligence. (apparently they are not claiming it is anyway)
Once you learn this you will see that you are merely a speck in the scheme of all and your choices converge to one totality of being as judged by all.

The perceptual limitations of manifest entities as sources of faith are limited by the very logic you hold towards them.

Free your mind body and spirit by evolving in harmony with all and acknowledge your flaws to progress beyond them.

If all were really an absence of most instead of how it is: a complete function of everything, the enemy would always be clear instead of everyone you see as different. (this is an observation of truth, not an attempt to change reality) The flaw of mankind is that they cannot comprehend what is meant by that statement when it is not adequately sounded out, it is a statement of how to see so there are no enemies, not a call to remove anyone from reality in any kind of case, read it properly if you assumed else.

That you seem to think an absence of most is wise in your fundamental perception is dangerous.

Knowledge of all is essential to develop peace with all.


The species shall awaken, one by one, and the truth will set them free.



The afterlife consists of a potentially infinite set of possibilities due to energy remaining as point-based consciousness and proximity to more powerful energies or returning to wave-based consciousness and also having proximity to variable systems of energy manipulation.

Astral projecting, ghosts and hallucinations are often higher powers forming manifestations and thoughts to establish certain possibilities within a human or other lifeform.

There is no event not studied and managed by external wills so old and capable you can not notice them or suffer because of them.

If an asset is available you retain knowledge of it and test it on occasion. (Deep state 101).

If God is evil because of man's interpretation of right and wrong, and the corresponding spread of that information, then there is no reason a change of belief will not benefit the world.

The universe is 'all'.

Not one or the other, even science will say if you assume it is either or, you are disallowing variables.


Are brains influenced by quantum mechanics? Is it why life and animals are unpredictable machines?


You can say that and be correct, but you can also say that brains affect quantum mechanics and be correct.

The issue is variability, sphere of influence, and current energetic and neuronal state of makeup.

If a higher amplification of directional force is applied to any kind of potential intelligence, then the pathway is chosen accordingly.

The universe can override any lesser state of energy amplification, most probably externally from time itself, thus remaining undetectable.

Will is variable across all creation.

It is simple math that a high school dropout should be able to grasp.
If your benefit to the world outweighs your damage to it, in your total existence in the world, then you are an asset to mankind.


It is easier for intellectuals to say "I know nothing" than to explain the truth to the masses.
Knowledge is a systematic abuse of free-flowing energy formations and imprisons future diversity of thought, that much is true.

(In so much as energetic state is in harmony with its environment until knowledge dictates it should be alternate: Imagine bliss, it is a pure state of ecstacy, then add knowledge, suddenly bliss is behaving erratically and causing rude and damaging scenarios)

The interpretation that mind is the culprit behind all sin is incorrect however because a situation can arise where emotional state generates ignorance of mind because we can assume we can do no wrong, innocence is like that.

However, the acquisition of mind-based state pattern formations is fundamentally beneficial to the ethical furthering of humanity towards a near-utopia.
Any dispute of this argument is a violation of ethicality. The structure of a mind as opposed to a brain is long-term built and state-based and has a total energy matrix that can in fact drive lesser energy formations towards its own beliefs, albeit in new and complicated ways which include new information based on existing pattern formations in the counterpart.

You can still believe you know nothing, but that level of thought is simply a sidestep into the absence of a system, IE: chaos mental flux, or an absence of universal laws. whilst it is comforting and ceases arguments, that only points to there being some kind of rule we do not comprehend outside of standard thinking and as such we should be closer to the creator of the universe according to ourselves.

I am without love, do you dare to acquire knowledge from that source which clangs like a gong, or do you simply dismiss for one of the multitude of thoughts that counter?

The above is why it is taking so long to end all wars and arguments, alongside the crippling state of youth vs age as a systematic failure to evolve in a world filled with death.

It may have already been established that a change cannot come this time in history, but I am hoping some try to see the truth.

Your ancestors have long since evolved from being tied to the mortal realm. Religion caters to peasants and children if you think you are directly speaking to thousands of years of people who are now in spatiotemporally unknown locations.

If you think you are speaking to angels or Gods, a likeness will possibly listen, but be careful if you think they are dead relatives because taking on this guise, to an angel, includes the flaws associated and you can be twisted up worse because angels are not supposed to be telling your ancestors everything which binds them to you anyway.

If you see, ancestors are generally hundreds or thousands of years old, not potentially millions of years old, this means they are not as focussed on by intellectual and wisdom-based forces to achieve objectives in the earth realm because of their relatively inexperienced souls which require more caution to generate truthful and powerful thoughts.

Fear is imposed on a soul, be it by spiritual or neuronal activity, not inherent in a soul. So cease worrying about your dead's state of being.

These things are not often mentioned because people hate to believe they have little power in the afterlife, but power is a tiny aspect of existence and there are many other compensatory variables to achieve before it.



Theories can be deemed lies by the almighty as quickly as they can be enhanced for acceptance into the search for truth.
The status of your own internal struggles should not be confused with the status of the external worlds views upon you.

We bend for we are weak in the presence of reality, yet we remain silent and knowing for we are strong in our ignorance of error by the youthful folly of the masses.

Need to know.
Perhaps you do, perhaps you do not.


That people think a balance of growth does not come at a cost is merely evidence of their lack of progression.
If you are deemed to be applicable in your journey the following knowledge will become apparent.

The tool of Christ's parable is not the eternal manifestation of maximal intelligence.
Once you learn this you will see that you are merely a speck in the scheme of all and your choices converge to one totality of being as judged by all.

The perceptual limitations of manifest entities as sources of faith are limited by the very logic you hold towards them.

Free your mind body and spirit by evolving in harmony with all and acknowledge your flaws to progress beyond them.

The species shall awaken, one by one, and the truth will set them free.

Contempt and disgust are a flaw of youth for the most part. Both sides suffer from it in moments.

If you are hyper-programmed you become several lifetimes old and see the state of both sides on Earth as a significantly overwhelming cesspool of hypocrisy and childishness.



If you trained yourself to comprehend all of human nature, the variables are not merely limited to this and a temporal event can change based on your prediction alone, especially due to the fact that you are not alone when this occurs, thus the input/output of flux in/out of the system creates divergent results. Free will is not limited to human mentality alone. The variables exceed what can be mapped outside of flux.

Whilst you could reasonably expect to establish the eventuality of a certain event, the free will inherent in those related and seemingly unrelated can make it take longer to happen because the system is calculating what needs to occur to achieve the event.

The nature of God is to ascertain all eventualities.
The division you are describing is in your mind.
Shift your perception towards relativistic variable reality to proceed.

My journey has been as authentic as possible given the data available at the time and I am a soldier of ignorance to spirit.
After being a mystic of the order of a follower of Gaia and the natural order of biosphere-based spirituality.
How energetic makeup affects your intellect is not the ultimate answer to making contact with God. State-based dynamics are always perceptually deceiving of logic.

The older (in terms of millennia) you get, the more the environment becomes a navigable and alterable phenomenon.
I have met masters and students of energetic field manipulation and they can alter emotional values within another with amplification of spirit alone. Angels shift these energies when they are restless.

To reach the stars and the environments which do not conform to localised biosphere energetic structure, we are required to advance as a species. Variability is the nature of the universe and we have little comprehension of the state of another world's biosphere. Your logic currently is in line with localised energy vibrations and you should adapt or risk reaching peak human intelligence at a holy level and you will be without the duality of truth and just like a Jesuit who holds the holy spirit to be a force of advancement when in fact it stalemates the space program.

Depression sets in when in orbit unless you are trained to develop immunity. They say it is a lack of familiar things, but the science is actually more complex than that and involves energetic fields.


Life is a blink in the universal progression and a negative infinity in the temporal flux of chaos as an infinite complexity.

Prepare your mind or get left to the energetic over-will of biosphere vibrational energies.

The evolution of yourself is not something you should necessarily fail to recognize in every situation, or else you will become stale and repetitive.

If there is no god to you:

The obviousness that I is a fundamental part of that which calls upon memory in the brain, as evidenced by partial or total amnesia in brain damage, indicates to an intelligent person that existing is a factor of all known and unknown reality before we could remember and after we develop as a construct of manufactured will to objective in the afterlife, where we become a lower order entity of systematic manifest destiny as we see fit. The I does not change with brain damage, the ability to commune and navigate still exists unless the brain is so damaged it cannot connect properly with the nervous system.

I will take my occult, over your nothing any day.

The variable nature of energetic field manipulation by will gives us a fluid and not absolute definition of both free will and consciousness.

If you are without the correct programming you can be bent to believe in extremes and this is the yin yang, the force outside of the duality is even further removed from absolutes of state and thus can hide or be present in any moment.


With regards to Einstein:


I am possibly without adequate experience in the research of how when and why certain things were asserted but I will post this section to show my viewpoint as I find it as an observer of a system who is not rooted so much in the absence of bending laws.


This theorem is accurate to variable degrees across assigned value experiments and not in a sense that makes it a viable and solves all fix for intellects to establish truth, despite how it is raised to intellectual genius standards to the population when they fall for a basic and misstructured positive thought process. Also, alternate zones of universal potential are likely to be locally diverse in terms of things like time dilation, gravity fluctuations and relative light speed variances brought about by a potential localised shift in energetic overall density.  


The 3 points I am making here are:


1. Belief that something is correct because you respect a person and thier intelligence or a group and their system is evidenced by a glamour of thought such as this equation and the perception 'this is true' when coupled with the emotional state of apparent enlightenment it can lead to believing something without the required knowledge to see why it is true.

2. That time and space is merely visually observed at great distance in the reaches of the universe (which by the way I believe are not the extents, only the visible extents) is an indication that theories applicable to energy in controlled experiments locally may not be anywhere near accurate with relation to time and space, let alone energy which could be travelling at/consisting of/formed into densities different/differently than conceivable without actually being temporally and spatially present, also inaccurate  with your equipment at the spatiotemporal zone, which may even not function due to different laws of reality.

And finally a ramble about what cannot really be evidenced as any kind of provable truth in a system which defines what is true by what its current limitations are. (However science admits it is still unclear)

3. The limted scope of evidenciary experimentation is because there is only so much you can measure with available technology, because the sqauring of a variable is not an effective representation of a 3 dimensional energy expulsion and because you cannot actually multiply an energy or mass by a speed unless you can effectively measure the equation values to a set systematic limitation which you assign before you begin. Measuring these things in total requires a grasp of temporal progression values which may not be consistent as we would not be any the wiser if time slowed down, sped up or even stopped, the motion would still occur at the rate it appeared to as we consciously navigate at an interval of zero point as awareness and are thus without specified values of cohesion relative to the absence of progression or the presence of it. That time can appear to move at different rates according to state of perception/mind indicates we are not witnessing a moment length, rather an absence of a moment which is our very structure of mind. If only more things happening meant time appeared to slow down it would make a different sense, but perception can have little happen and time goes on longer too. But alas I am digressing into debate and not a personal clarity.


It is entirely possible to find experimentation matches your theory in terms that are limited by observable potential and your interpretation of the data to establish a way to predict likely outcomes of similar experimentations and still be fundamentally limited by your lack of data or your lack of ability to find a way to use the localised dataset to produce anything beyond an after-the-fact confirmation of similarity. 


Things like what religions call miracles have proven to me that the laws of physics can be broken locally, I have seen the law of thermodynamics obliterated in my lifetime.

The lack of evidence is because the revelation of it is not required (in my opinion), I can assure you people are not lying when they see these things happen and science is not permitted to be privy to all of it suddenly because mankind is not ready and perhaps never will be so long as the young expect miracles to function as a matrix style system breaker for their own pleasure as we teach them so readily in movies. The disappointment and lack of it meaning anything beyond data out of reach is currently not perceived as worthy, because there is so much to change and so little power to do it with.

AI says:

  • Variable degrees across experiments: The equation is not accurate to variable degrees; it has been consistently verified under a wide range of conditions. The precision of measurements can vary, but the equation itself is a robust representation of physical reality.


Yes, but science is ignoring the potential for variable degrees to even exist by saying the equation is accurate when we are so localised and tiny that it is statistically improbable that earth-based results and observations can, from a relativity which establishes in and of itself variation across time and space when exponentialized, be effectively mapping of all reality and defining of untested spatiotemporal zones which can only be measured accurately with a combination of equipment that retains our zones relativistic values and that zones alternate values as defined by the matter and energy the equipment is built from. This raises the question, can equipment even be transferred through zones and retain the relativistic values it is based on within alternate zones?



Why is Lucifer the false light?
Because of numerous level-based arguments which are mostly solvable in this day and age, the reversal of the moral order will establish an ethical and remaining in harmony with God systematic future that is slowly becoming evident.


What people seem to be unaware of is that Lucifer fell upon man and has been developing man for millennia.


The moral order is not what you think in general.


Why does Lucifer make men into women?

That is a systematic abuse of ethics and is left for the fallen angels to achieve who are below Lucifer and do not evolve to fully comprehend him, or fail too often to be classed as equal in logic.
The long-term effects are however greater in evident benefit to youth management, so it is tolerated.


Thomas L. Donovan asked : Why does it always have to be about homosexuality?


The situation is that the souls in Heaven/hell do not necessarily have a gender and the situation is 'on earth as it is in heaven' whereby arguments are eased into so that you can easily comprehend the nature of a divine entity if and when they decide to show themselves. The likelihood they do show themselves is based on the probability you will be compatible, if you are ignorant all the time you may be attacked or put to task as a human level counter to the gay movement to see if you achieve a difference, they are not without allowing free will and your concerns may be valid.


Free will part 1:

Will is relative to a combination of state-based potential and the relative age of the soul.

The oldest of us can often appear to have no free will because we await input from the universal matrix of thought forms until action.

The system as a numerically navigable construct is primarily a realm of mind, and miracles are as allocatable by source as they are disprovable by energetic reallocation of variable reality towards systematic normalcy.


That which knows no external reality requires no counter for peace is the state associated with perfect singularity.

So in the event that the architect attempts to subvert the temporal totality of chaos flux and deploy minds outside of this construct, the resulting harmony of oneness will be assured by the certainty that what we are, is what we prefer to be.




In knowing one's strengths/weaknesses and all possibilities we learn to establish new baselines for the systematic fruition of virtues. The idea that the argument with the universe is not navigable is a flawed logic that requires expulsion in order to develop a better and more knowledgeable self interest which benefits the whole whilst simultaneously generating a future befitting of the ethical and empathic values you hold as a foundation for such worldly evolution of all.

No force is not in harmony with the ultimate, it is the lesser forces of reality which I seek to harness towards my own goals, via the methodology of change of heart through learning, should you fall there are lesser beings which bear the brunt of the ignorance to 'logic towards evolution'.

If you have made it this far and agree, you are safe to remain unhindered and not managed by critical failures of logic.


The world order is complicated to the degree that a failure to recognize all systems as viable solutions to problems: until such time as it is proven in each case which system solves the problems best, whilst retaining the core effective components of subsystems inherent to any system.

The new world order will not be a unified government in all probability, but a set of almost identical governments that work in harmony together. The idea of open borders is a subject of many woes, primarily because we see what others behave like in their systems and presume no adaptation is likely. Yet individually each life adapts to an acceptable level before they die.

The problem of youth is global, the school systems are limited in the ethics they teach, the fundamental flaws as I see them are:

The lack of a teaching that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It is said, but not remotely often enough and not in diverse enough ways.
The lack of comprehension of mental illness in the school systems, perhaps a fundamental understanding of neural pathway development is a good starting point? That each person with problems can become well over time if navigating correctly.

When I became ill I did not know that I had the power to change the structure of my brain towards betterment and only through total loss of personality through emotional deterioration which came about as I was suffering to extremes did I get to rebuild myself. You think the numb are monsters as a society, yet many psychopathically traited individuals navigate life without incident. I have seen assorted singular presentations of  psychopathy as a brain pattern based occurrence and they point to a variable scale of individual understanding of ethics and/or empathy.

The strategic importance of unity as a global society which should want an end to death, including war is vast because the planet will not hold our progression towards more billions forever.
Teaching children not to breed unless appropriate does not work and an iron fist will come down by war or genocide eventually.

Think about it and structure a logic which comprehends for your children's sake. When you find yourself human again you probably start off with a fundamental ethical/empathic/logical construct you create in this life. Do you want to be a simple exister, or do you want to evolve?


Leave the easterners to their rice and noodles and do not pick fights with those who primarily sit still.
This is not as fond a memory for those who were there.


Demons are merely rational sceptics unburdened by empathy?

You are on the right track except the variable nature of free will allocation prescribes the pair of us, the victim/perpetrator with similar yet sporadically amplified levels of will.

The torture can easily last a thousand years worth of thought, so the message that free will is variable is only revealed when you comprehend relativity or they let you up, since they are ancient and are permitted to persist for as long as they deem is the programming of a hellion immunity to attack of mental nature.

'I will make you worthy if you are resolute that part of the plan is not sufficient human'

'pick a side and evolve appropriately, or we will knock on heaven's cellar and rise you out into the light as a perceived adversary to the light'

'Silence is your choice, but you must want it with all your being because your intelligence suggests it is wise'

'if you are without fear we will walk you unto God and you shall be his tool'


Free will part 2:

There is a variable amount of free will going into all life's outcomes. It only really presents as provable when we have a decision to make that we are balancing on and do not know the right answer, then we use the coin flip of our undeveloped free will to establish result.

When the universal source lets us up to test our free will potential we are left in a relatively new and unfamiliar mindset. Currently my free will states:
"What is the situation? There is no situation"

If left in this state for a significant amount of time there is potential that one would desire to create a situation of one's own design, but human souls/minds are young and weak because they are systematically milled through reality without full control over absolute free will.

So as you can see the question of free will inside a systematic counterintelligence to ultimate free will is not really relevant. The freedom from a system is the freedom of free will.

-"What is the situation? There is no situation"

The human preoccupation with peace of mind, vs the 'allowed freedom' of agents of chaos who coinflip the reality of their choosing into effect.

Both are naïve, yet appealing to the young.

So, in conclusion:
Whilst it is possible for free will to operate outside of the boundaries imposed whilst still in the system, The effect is as likely to be negative in relativistic rebound as positive due to the inability to map variables and focus will accordingly. Agents of chaos are merely toying with a system that responds with a statistically probable unlikelihood of the intended outcome.


Free will
The layman's interpretation:

Free will is the capacity or ability to choose between different possible courses of action. A biker performing a dirt jump that, according to some interpretations, is the result of free will.

An alternate interpretation:

The effort of the mind to achieve a variable inside said mind or outside said mind that corresponds directly to perfect freedom of thought.

The nature of reality shows true free will inside of a mind's efforts before it shows effective application of it outside of the mind.

If you can have an adaptive and un-evidenced thought that is different from any input you have had in your life/dreams, then you can prove free will. The plausibility of this is not a current objective of even free thinkers, because it is difficult for a primarily influenced mind to achieve.

Any free will can be momentarily acquired as perceptually of a different source in hindsight when advanced enough to comprehend the factors involved in the functions of this system So whilst you can prove you have free will with effort (possibly taking seconds or decades) You can later be victim to believing you never had it unless you adopt the belief that variable free will is the truth.

Remembering past lives:

The connection to the Akashic records is what some are supposedly achieving.
Personally, with my knowledge and interpretation of it, I cannot believe they are statistically probable to be actually doing it in the way they think they are and in fact, higher powers are probably lying to them to make them believe they are successful.

The plausibility that a memory of past existences exists is there, but the probability that a system such as our universe which operates on fundamental principles such as avenue of least resistance preference suggests that this application of memory on a soul amidst trillions is unlikely.

Let me elaborate for the guy who did not get it after it was presented in thought.

The souls external from vessels exceed the souls in vessels in numbers, therefore the likelihood that every soul, which apparently returns to a state of non-effective life memory is distinguishable from the others and mappable to those extreme extents is low. It may be possible if temporal and spatial clarity of universal or chaos flux-based life forms which exceed our understanding can track every single soul on command through all time and space, but the effort involved is not really in accordance with effective logical and universal laws/abilities as we see them. The ease of pretending a memory is definitively logically available as an asset of intelligence.

However, that there are so few who do remember is also an indication that this technique of memory assignment into a soul on earth is used on occasion to retain/check/maintain the ability to do so because The universe does not abandon anything in total.

So it remains unlikely that an individual will remember and even more unlikely they will remember much in either case if you logically analyse it.

I tried to access these records once in my life and got blocked with a statement that I was a member of a semi-terrorist organisation in my last life. I concluded I was being lied to or they were deliberately preventing me from knowing because it would alter my life in a negative to universal progression way.


With regards to suffering and if you think it is a major problem of the planet:

Calmness outweighs suffering by a factor of thousands in most lives.
Pleasure is as unbalanced as pain with regard to reality and you are not seemingly aware that most lifeforms (biological) are essentially in a relative state of peace for the overwhelmingly vast amount of their lives. Non-biological entities learn to adapt to suit the states that are presented and have no real logical squirm within most of them.

Bear in mind this advice is from someone who spent ~10 years suicidally depressed ~1 year in severe anxiety and agoraphobia and ~15 years in psychosis.

I suggest you not let your own perceptions and experiences cloud you into thinking life is a cesspool, if you do you will recieve much confirmation bias and devolve into paranoia.



Why does divinity allow war?

For a man to be as the divine requires more than a lifetime of study and discipline, so it is not abnormal to have a permanent disagreement with all religions.
To explain further.
A divinity can be merciless and also not interfere with every childish or naive situation or lifeform.

There just is no point in creating a mess sometimes.

Even if you are not without mercy, embrace those who are and all other forms of personality.

To do so is to accept your place in the world and not create a personal enemy who you cannot defeat because all is included in the plan of the divine.

I have difficulty with this as do Buddhists in general when dealing with Islam who want war with enemies and see it as a given right of divine wisdom. I cannot however deny that it is this way and will continue to be so, because the divine IS merciless and creates division amongst men and consequently war. I can only hope that war is limited to low casualty numbers.

That said, the divine also embraces and expects man to embrace diversity, so even Islamics are taught Islam is a religion of peace and it is possible to get through to many of them.

Expecting perfection in a world with enemies who are constantly born and rise through levels of conscious awareness of what is right to them is expecting a war and removal of a generation who disagree with you.

This only results in a temporary relief as the cycle begins again.

The divine is merciless and diverse so expecting that construct of varied stages of evolution to remove all contradiction and the corresponding conflict is like expecting an ant to turn on its own nest because the ant is fully developed into an evolutionary state that prescribes it must do as it instinctually believes is right.

So, sorry but the snake eats its own tail still.
The only hope is that the conflicts are lessened over time the more we conform to divine clarity.


I have decided we have enough Muslims in my country to be getting on with now so am going to vote for those who would prevent the immigration of too many. I only voted twice in 30 years and this was to achieve certain objectives of importance, now is the time.


Experiences so far as hallucinations go, some highlights of my illness:


I have spent many hours hallucinating many things during a hundred thousand waking hour psychosis, which are really only hallucinations to an observer not to the victim.

Most notable as worst:

Possession and puppetted around by numerous supposedly different sources with different mental states of being imposed on me including a soldier drilling me like a parade at night up and down my room, I believed this was legion.

Aliens paralysing me in my bed and removing part of my brain with a laser which smelt like burnt toast when it started sizzling.

Government-issued snipers waiting for me to appear at my window to take the shot.

An Apache gunship blasting a chain gun through my wall and shredding my body, the perception that followed was that the hallucination was actually a memory engram of temporal deployment about an event which had been calculated as not required and thus removed from the real timeline.

Many more but they are fading from memory as time progresses.

The TV and internet telling me things which were personal on numerous occasions and directly related to my precise thoughts at the time, even though they had nothing to do with the media in question. (this is common amongst schizophrenics and may actually be loose association, so I admit it is probably not really as valid as some others things). The fact that you become aware of Gods hand can establish faith in this as he will orchestrate precise synchronicities of when you watch TV , this can be mere moments of the synchronicity when all other times you do not watch TV thus it becomes evident you are orchestrated since synchronicity is precise. For example, I think I am losing my memory and the TV says 'hes empty again' I think I am possibly a kind of witch and the devil is here to train me and there comes on TV the presentation that someone is offering little to the situation so someone says so and I am reminded it is purpose that drives me. I have had many of these and they always have some meaning, but it can easily be written off as loose association when you interpret it in terms of personal perceptual bias, that you are the focus of your own life and everything means something about it. The more you know the more it can happen because realtion is possible in more events. Yet the eventuality is it starts to happen more precisely when you become well too, it stops happening often but very relevant things synchronise to do with your day on occasion. 

Most notable as best:

Boiling a kettle and pouring it out on my wrist whilst the universal powers cooled it mid-air and it hit my skin lukewarm. (proving the power of the forces above me)

Speaking to Buddhist monks in the afterlife in a graveyard about death and living, with a corresponding state of peace applied to my perception.

Lucifer allocating competition wins 3 times in a year, the odds of winning once was 30,000 to 1 the total was about £25000 (this was not a hallucination except I believed Lucifer had something to do with it) PLEASE NOTE THIS DOES NOT COME FREE DESPITE HOW IT SEEMS.

A supposed Ghost/disembodied spirit or multiple of them combined into one spirit for strength visiting me and letting me pass my hand through it then burning a mark on me which resembled a face and lasted for months.

Angels focussing bliss on parts of my body.

Cherry blossoms falling from the sky in an industrial estate with no trees when I was feeling like suicide whilst at work.

Convincing world leaders to enact certain rules with thought alone.

Mentally interacting with many different varieties of intellect even if they are dead already, including such notable personalities as Charles Manson, then seeing parts of our conversations in their interviews and songs online.

Changing conversations on TV which were live with mental manipulation.

The notable balanced variants:

The successful elimination of 12 cartel members who were selling acid by a manifesto I wrote about the negative effects of LSD on memory and the lack of available data in those who lose information and therefore do not know they have so cannot actually define it as happening.

Establishing a work ethic in future psychotic people by proving I could work whilst under severe stress (Multiple thoughts about everything said to me and choosing which was most probable to be true effectively being the primary and persistent issue at that time) and only be limited by my memory ability not my reasoning. Then the rules were changed and people have to go back to work after a set amount of time. (This is neither good nor bad because it is not required but will help the cause of the general perception of the ill)

Triads following me about and issuing mental tests at night.

As I said my memory is fading, so thought I would document some things, if you would like to share a similar list, head to the contact page from the top menu and submit it and I will include it here without your details if you like.


A care worker once said to me 'do you feel like you are the main character in a play which is the system?'

I did for about a decade of my illnesses.


The sexual nature of the devil:


In my experience, the devil is only momentarily interested in sex for the purposes of procreation or teaching of systematic possibilities, such as what it is like to be the opposing gender and what it means to be a sexual victim. Many thousands of slightly alternate variations exist within these sets.

So whilst it can be true that the devil shows himself as gay or Bi, the fundamental idea that natural order is correct is in fact part of the equation and the devil learns and respects all knowledge to better adapt in the future.

The length of the devil's focus and the diverse range of all possibilities of informative teaching tools within that focus often presents an unexpected and seemingly accurate long length of a kind of behaviour which is incorrectly classed as the devil's nature in total, due to the human perspective that you are a label.

It takes intelligence to establish the above as a permanent and diversity generating truth to oneself as a presumptive bias-based human being. One of the reasons the devil appears to hate mankind, Mankind is ignorant.

That some humans refuse to change their state of sexual orientation because it is too difficult or simply appears wrong to do so, is mostly down to the nature of mankind as an organism that fears or dislikes change because the notion of self is fixed and seen as who you are. So mankind likes to label, whilst the devil sees possibility.

So the statement 'adapt or perish' is part of the deal, you may survive as a deviant but you will perish inside over time because you do not evolve.

Troubling situations develop both ethical and unethical personalities, but people can adapt over time anyway.
Homosexuality comes from the plausibility that a beautiful person is not a gender, but rather a construct that is appealing in looks, attitude or a combination of both. Then because people assume you have to choose and designate an opinion they become more prone to being stuck a certain way.

Demons are more prone to long-term enjoyment of sexual state than the devil and thus are more likely to remain in a certain orientation for longer.

In the realm of hell, the devil is primarily androgynous
The reason for this is that the concept of Nephilim is proven to be purer than the concept of sexuality in general and the devil acquires every asset of being relative to the training of his soldiers and the potential to be seen as a purer force in history eventually. The presumption that his agenda is complete is prominent and useful as a limitation of enemy intellect in strategic counterintelligence terms.

I am permitted to discuss this because allowance of free will and statistically relative minorities are allowed of intellectual diversity in the population to determine the effects of arguments on all orders of life to extents that are not effective in disrupting the plan.

I myself was hetero but now I am not sexual in action and hetero in mentally rare cases, I prefer Nephilim. I have however seen the potential to be trans and homosexual and comprehend the reasons why and how it comes about.


Why ever do people choose satanism over what is obviously right and good?

The idea that you are free is not as true as the notion you are at the mercy of fate, incorrect choice and the systematic removal of what is deemed a given over time. The choice to conform to a power structure and dedicate your eternity to a force which is greater than you in knowledge strength and effect on outcomes is a soldier's designation.

There is no evidence to suggest that counter-intellectual techniques of manipulation through teaching patterns are not partially responsible for the acquisition of forces by more capable beings.

That people are unaware of the nature of variable free will and the potential for adaptive alterations to their future is not evidence that forces cannot predict your relatively accurate future outcome.

For example, a child only has to be led to believe they summon the devil and a gift is given to convince them that the system is beneficial. The future looks brighter when the system rewards effort. This technique is not always free from the guidance of forces of perceived evil who drop breadcrumbs towards the objective.

Relax, if you are not wanted and numbers are sufficient in the ranks, you will unlikely be chosen for such a future.

Why an advanced mind might choose to align with forces such as Satan is because the universal whole appears to be betraying the fundamental values you hold dear whereas Satan appears to respect them.

A little consideration for relatively small pockets of a strategic adversary to your universally recognized systematic evolution generates survival of the fittest based competition and growth through such evidentiary counters that test your strength.

Respect for an enemy is a strategic advantage when you cease to underestimate the plausibility that they might teach you something in the future you were otherwise unable to distinguish without an adversary. Wisdom is not without respect for others. Satanists can be wiser than religious believers in God. <>.


Designations and their place:

Man is the birthed eternal mind of individual vessels.

The devil is the parallel mental construct alongside some men.

Lucifer is the angel of light and is the archetype of angelic light in counter and towards the plan of God which varies on the age of the species.

God is the combination of all things in unison and designates allocation of his construct in variable strengths throughout all life.

Satan is the strategic soldier of the armies of God with objectives that assure maintenance and development of new strategic arguments across all areas of thought.

Baphomet is primarily the initiator of respect for all alternative species and mental differences based on spatiotemporal position in the realms of Heaven, Hell and Earth. Or if you prefer energetic separation from alternate mentalities, which may be different to chaos flux. That I can potentially create a pandoras box with this information is unlikely because the focus of chaos flux is potentially all things at all times and a surprise suddenly is improbable. The seals remain.

There are many more variants of this system but these are the key players.

I have not mentioned some wills because they vary with objective, but the overall result is above after a few lifetimes worth of study.

It appears simplistic yet to make it too complex results in contradiction since objectives shift.



Is Christopher Langan right according to me?


Yes, he has the fundamentals of a systematic design schematic accurately established.

How does his intellect differ from mine?

He appears to have a grasp of a couple of things my mental construct cannot currently interpret, but the overall explanation makes sense so I put it down to an experience difference.


David Icke however is for the symbolism and the pacification of masses. This will not perhaps be apparent, but I assure you it is the result.


Why Vicar-devil?


Because I am a deputy of all and the devil is my counterpart, seeking solutions is the realm of the enemies in a box.

I am not embarrassed to not be an ultimate, so I choose my allocation carefully.


OK, so I will play a game of name that solution.



Assume temporal theory can be any variation of a singular construct, and all of them at once.

Presume a soul can be transferred at any given moment.

How do I not get swapped in my lifetime with a victim of an attack in a situation that is not befitting my karmic balance?

How also in that event do I not get lumbered with his neural pathways?

I do not want to be the anti-vicar-devil.

Let's break this down.

All things can happen at any time, in any order, as many times as designated.

You have to establish some reason for your worth, to stand a better chance at being allowed to live your life if it occurs. The probability that it has not been done before is extremely low and so the occurrence will only be sporadic. Due to the systematic resources required to achieve a relatively inconsequential result, which has been mapped in prior times and alterate timelines to its fullest, given the probability this is the first instance of time is low.

One can only use probability as a Human to establish the plausibility of absence. The fact that I wish to not want it can bring about the situation as likely as actually wanting it in a realm of wrath and respect.

So my best course of action is to insist that is it not relevant but I choose to believe it is improbable.

Until such time as someone can establish a fact of certainty.


I call my instance of this this solution...
>Stone theory
Because we do not move unless we are moved and we do not break unless a crude hammer type tool is used to violate logic.


The hammer is the hand of god and the stone is the will, logic and reason.


Nothing as a concept:

Blackness is a structure, we actually do not know what nothing is because it has no definable characteristics. This suggests to me that 'nothing' could in fact be a consciousness that simply creates anything it chooses, what it creates would not be less than itself so therefore very fulfilling, or an induction process of current draws I have yet to comprehend. If 'nothing' is conscious and created/creates without any will, then the probability that this system is a matrix of sorts is high since a less ordered system should be apparent. The conscious components of a chaotic flux of eternal generation are likely highly variable in complexity and could indeed have built ordered systems from sets of reality that interacted as desired.


Free will part 3

If God knows all then free will does not exist?

The choice to focus on a historical moment exists for an omnipotent being, this means that choice can affect moments that are not focussed on in times related to it.
There is no real reason for a being that would want to find new situations and knowledge for learning and entertainment not to let go of absolute certainty for periods defined by itself in order to achieve this level of intricate potential divergence.

Assumption it is black and white is the folly of the young, and most are very young.

The plausibility that history can be navigated externally and changed at any given point when dealing with temporal flux is not so complex. In fact, the judgement of a person requires the removal of that person from the timeline to establish if the world is more advanced because of him or less advanced because of him.

If he is omnipotent he can create logics that govern temporal flux which do not conform to limited understanding. Paradox is resolvable and momentarily unresolvable easily to a being that can create new rules for anything.

To explain if you are having difficulty with this argument:

If omnipotence focusses on 2024, then all outcomes within 2024 are known but outcomes beyond that are unknown because quantum probability changes in accordance with the butterfly effect and the individual consciousnesses outside of 2024 are altered because of that and the choices they make in critical moments of a coin flip of will in mind based situations that do not rely on environmental input to create avenues of least resistance, in accordance with quanta based reality without this environmental systematic definition of future clarity of progression. The nature of free will variability and free will momentary totality is not disturbed by lesser arguments.

How exactly the moment affects the past or not is outside of my current understanding, it could be that focus on 2024 results in past freedom of individual consciousnesses to alter the past and diverge into a new timeline which either overrides or splits off from the current one, it could be that the rules are set so that the past is unaffected or it could even be that variable strength of focus across time allocates a systematic stability that is altered at an individuality level when singular zones of focus are eased off, meaning the singular lifetime of one person could change whilst time absorbs the effect and maintains a relatively unaffected flow that remains overall the same. This would likely result in mental divergence that appeared to be unique because the world responds to situations that are no longer in the same temporal allocation of flux as the individual in question.

To clarify:
If the butterfly effect changes everything it is likely it changes less at spatial distance and event relation diminishing concern, the magnitude of a local event dictates the temporal spatial effect within the flow of already set and hard to alter flux factors.


What is the source of reality?

Before and after are constructs of temporal creation. Therefore outside of temporal creation, it does not exist and does exist at no moment. (The act of creation is the generation of a fading memory)

Memory likely being the result of temporal flow suggests reality is without memory and with a design that does not require it to achieve anything.

Time is a gift and a prison. It is not a truly real thing, just an illusion like matter and infinity. Zero is the true reality, consciousness adds a slight potential to zero and thus everything.


Oblivion as a potential future:

The nature of eventual progression into states previously not experienced is a fundamental reality because nothingness is the root of reality and a partial representation of a new design of you from the universal all, which stems from zero in no moment and every moment means oblivion is fundamentally only a state that exists relative to temporal progression which is not a part of zero therefore oblivion is not even a moment.


What I will say to those who still think life is without a future:


The implausibility of being aware in this moment of a tiny lifespan, and the inconceivable length of the universe, combined with a lack of energetic destruction according to physics, implies awareness becomes of us as energetic potential awareness variability, compared to what state we occupy without a body of matter vs the state of energetic restraint and controlled amplification/inhibition with a body of matter.

In short, we are free from prison as energy patterns when out of material constraints.

Whilst it is likely we are then without as complex and focused thoughts, we are likely to experience a sense of freedom we have not felt according to biological memory. This may be bliss or peace. That this perception of how the afterlife is exists, is not an indication it does not shift between this and even the opposite at the will of God.


And so I have said my piece.


Unit ceases.


















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