Mental betterment

Video of the main portion of this webpage for you to listen to

Psychosis - Schizophrenia - Effective strategy - Bruce Lees techniques applied to development


I am aware this page will only help a few people but the intent is to prevent the catastrophic descent into believing medication is counter to the spiritual clarity of a schizophrenic under attack. If I had found this webpage early on I would have had a potential alternate avenue to navigate my illness and would have probably spent less years writhing. I am not anti-medication or pro-medication I am coming from the standpoint that it is as valuable an asset as mental awareness of self delusion in those who are not medicated and thus it can help ease suffering.

Here you will find videos that passed the test of Lucifersapprentice

How to stop overthinking

Just Let Go - Alan Watts

The Power Of Silence - Why You Shoud Speak Less

Define your future

Personal music videos to do with my illness journey

The fundamental drive of my design

You steal my concentration (A normal pop song)

Chinese lightsnake rap

Serpent of a modern eden

Guardian Angel faded in and out

Delta blues

Heaven caught in Hell

Delta blues

Deep trance

Dark enlightenment


Psychopathic musings

Ibiza trance 

Paranoid depressive



What is the matrix

American heavy metal

 uplifting trance

Hell towards Heaven

Dark trance

We were there



 The one is all if the all is comprehensive to the one.

Psychotic thinking, delusions and voices, advice

This can help keep thoughts at a counterable level


I was psychotic for 15-20 years unmedicated. I have studied Schizophrenia from many perspectives ...religious, spiritual, medical, scientific, neurological etc. for around 25 years whilst psychotic, depressed, and whilst relatively well. 

On this page I lay out the base structure of belief to counter most delusions to a substantial degree, leaving out the intricate details of specific delusions and the relative counters to develop for specific thought patterns.

I established that voices are of the same source as delusions in major part and any label you apply to them can be proven wrong at any given moment.

They are ancient and have no fixed designation They're your personal psychic manifestations of archetypes and your difference from a neurotypical is in how you end up treating their existence. The end result of all available data in a prolonged assessment by myself establishes that the true source is not what you think in any event, except the ultimate source and this is part of the agenda, to bring you closer to the source.

Persist to search for the root and you will dance like a circus animal for their amusement, You can avoid this by levelling the debate at a higher source of power than the threats as they emerge.

Ultimately the genetic brain disorder or chemically induced state leads to the emergence of usually silent and invisible energy formations because they find this state abnormal and a potentially new intelligence fulcrum. The data relative to all known thoughts is valuable on occasion to the system as hidden from the majority. They will most likely be negative because this derives the most useful responses and a positive attitude only serves to keep a lid on potential new information. Assuming they are simply demons because of this is crude and low-intelligence behaviour since they are capable of much chaos and only present what is necessary to fulfil their agenda in your short life.

Depending on numerous factors including IQ and likelihood of aggression on your part, the voices component will possibly cease to engage at any point in time. In my case they eventually told me they were stopping and did not come back except in very rare instances, I assume because they had learned just about everything they could from me over those decades and they had taught me enough to be silent amongst them without whining about my victimhood and retaining the ability to respond to sub level thought prompts, when deemed appropriate.

Please bear in mind that states of psychosis can still exist even without the interference of these energies, but the attitude I have proposed will help ease your suffering and allow you to develop brain patterns more suited to the amplified activity than say accusing God or devils.


Take it or leave it, you can still find any path of learning useful if you follow my advice, just be careful you do not blame all and sundry or make a single enemy you cannot defeat in your lifetime.

In addition, to clarify something:


The brain disorder that is the root of psychotic thinking only serves to amplify brain activity, the pattern formation of neurons is based on input from external sources, so without forces interfering, you can still find you are believing strange things as your neurons fire in unexpected ways on new connections relative to input such as conversation, media, or reading. However, it will be less severe without external forces manipulating the information and level of strength of thought.

With regards to antipsychotics:

Medication will function to cease most psychosis and voices if you find the right medication. You must however weigh the risks involved as a reduction of grey matter in the brain will occur over time whilst medicated. Though studies have shown brain volume diminishes without medication too. I find it is best to take the minimal dose which keeps me just on the border of psychosis. This can be discussed with your doctor over time, maybe months or years, and they are obliged to take into account your opinion. As the brain activity slows, the external forces' interest in attacking you becomes diminished.
This opinion is not welcome on official schizophrenia forums because they do not understand and see it as anti-medication. Also, doctors will likely disagree despite it serves the purpose they desire.
The universe speaks to us all in different ways.

You are part of all and that is a systematic blessing and curse which you must navigate to the best of your ability.

I advise ethics and truth as strong foundations.
When unsure/under-attack ask, 'What is the alternate conclusion and which is truer?' and 'Is my choice of belief ethical and bettering myself and/or others?'

Finally, voices are probes that look for a more substantial kind of thought process in return. Know that they are not fundamentally right or wrong, merely probing a topic.
The vagueness of this statement is because of the vagueness inherent in the design of a voice without thought behind it once you develop a state of meditative absence of thought and do not immediately add a meaningful thought of your own. If you master the technique of mental stillness, you can more easily determine what is you and what is not

0.3 - 1% of people are schizophrenic, The figures depend on numerous wordly factors, and most of the population, psychotics included, are posting medically and spiritually inaccurate information and that is when they are posting at all. The disease precludes a steady and solid lifestyle of relaying accurate information.

The general populous pretty much totally assumes they are in the know despite only thinking, 'it is spiritual or it is medical'.

You may not get another chance to acquire this information.


With regards to understanding medical studies:

Grey matter is reduced by schizophrenia in the afflicted and reduced by medication in the normal and schizophrenic.

It is not a choice, you will lose brain mass.
People with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia are 2.5 times more likely than those without a psychotic disorder to eventually develop dementia, according to a review of evidence led by UCL researchers.

The best possible course of action is to limit psychosis with small doses of antipsychotics in my opinion. This could increase your chances of not losing brain mass to extremes if psychosis directly relates to it, but I suspect it is more the genetic propensity for schizophrenia to cause such decay, psychotic or not.


One study data:

A meta-analysis of over 18,000 subjects, including 771 antipsychotic-naive patients, found that volume reductions in the caudate nucleus and thalamus were more pronounced in non-medicated patients compared to the medicated. White matter volume was decreased to a similar extent in both groups, while gray matter loss was less extensive in antipsychotic-naive patients.

Study data

Scope of possibility:

There are three possible states.

Will to power.

My approach is from a standpoint of preferred balance.

It may not be complex, but you can be a fairly strong soldier of God as a mind which knows enough to have harmony and believe it is right whilst not overthinking things and getting into predicaments which you cannot handle.

You will fall less in this mode when you are free to will.

Detachment, what is referred to as ego death, and contentment are possible.
Though I think ego is something kind of flakey anyway as a concept.

You can see yourself as an asset to the world with this mode. On a long enough timeline, your actions and thoughts will generate a portion of harmony in the world.

As I said before, any belief system can still be studied and taken from to adapt to your arsenal of potential.

I am not suggesting magic, though it can be evidenced in your life.

You can adapt at any moment but with my personal choices, I limit myself on purpose.

You may find this system of base acceptable to defeat most problems for some time then change to new more interesting systems which are not necessarily part of my own personal journey or choice to prefer balance .

I have deliberately left out most Buddhist and Luciferian data, so that you might see the raw substrate of what it is to be free of psychosis and in a balanced state without any thought at all.

If I had seen this when I was psychotic, the possibility that it was true would have been undeniable. Because it refutes nothing of psychosis whilst iterating the main truths, that I was pressed constantly and could not think about this was amplified by the lack of available data online if I ever did get out from under the torment and look for it. It seems few are actually trying to repair the issues in the world.

'Take what is useful, disregard the rest'
-Bruce lee

To assert that a seed of thought cannot be utilised in the future is to suggest that the illness lowers your IQ and your memory of intelligence events as designated in your neurological pathway formation, neuroplasticity adapts with each single thought and you can then strengthen each seed by remembering when needed.
Please comprehend, this illness does not make you useless or unable to adapt, merely overrides until you get a chance to think, when you get that chance, you should study or will into being counters against the bad times that have momentarily passed.

If a person is screaming out in psychosis, they are being overwilled and as such will likely not be online anyway.

It is the difficulty of finding anything which makes it so bad, because if you get a moment of peace and look, you find only talk of egos, tulpas, demons and angels.

The youth copy-pasting psychosis is busy with what seems cool or funny, not the basic requirement which is a medium variable thought set.

What do you miss out on?

Well, you have been chosen to have a journey of a specific order so you miss out on nothing except the lack of accuracy.

Alternate belief can be navigated whilst still retaining a core of knowledge that steadies you when you cease believing something else.

I am not sure at what stage belief management will be available if at all for you, but you get it if you can be trusted.

'We will take all you have, some of it slowly and some of it quickly, when we are done with that we will make you as ready for the afterlife as anonymous worthlessness to mankind, just like your brethren have deemed us. For man is inferior from birth, yet always proclaims righteousness because of his lack of hell'

What so-called demons are symbolically saying.
Then they go and be angels in the peace of the biosphere to take a break.


The assignment of identities to your voices and external thought processes can still occur later, but it will not become as worrisome if you are under attack if you follow my system. 


You are not long for this world, human.

If you are not long for this world, see life as short; thus navigable, this can generate some respect in yourself and thus from them. It also allows you to see the benefits of being prepared for the next level of existence.

Meditation and why it is not always an answer:

The nature of delusions with voices is to usually keep the person busy with thought and meditation is often pushed as the answer but the general populous has little comprehension of what invasive thought perpetuity actually is and even when told often persist that they know better. Letting the thoughts override you and attempting to let it pass on by is ineffective when the thoughts themselves are severely distressing and appear to be powerful. If you cannot do it, persisting to try will likely not succeed, however, persisting to try to 'drop thought' as it registers as the negative type which disturbs you most will result in an increasing ability to catch it quicker until it is so easy that you catch it before the thought registers. The detection of source-type of negative invasive thoughts, rather than the detection of the thoughts themselves. You may find that after a long enough time you can actually meditate, but I have found there to be no reason to do so due to having a positive outlook irrespective of such training after learning to merely drop the negative. This could be dark enlightenment specific? I do not know. Initially this kind of thought denial will be very hard if you are seriously psychotic and you may only succeed in preventing the loop momentarily, do not give up.

Other conditions:

If you are suffering a general misery:

You must first accept that you can alter energetic states if you program yourself to do it, then build neural pathways to achieve a stoppage of thought and consequently, state as imposed by logic.

This will likely not show results for a long time but the future will be slightly brighter the more you try.

You may have to think neutrally for a time before positive thought is even possible.

Then recognise that logic according to the universe exceeds logic according to man and find a way to come to terms with your predicament and adapt to be content with limited life choices.

Even the life of a celibate neet is not as bad as it is made out to be if you adapt to suit it.




The nature of anxiety is to be viewed as an imposition towards mental immunity to anxiety.
If you do not adapt you can become more depressed. The formation of brain patterns that counter is essential.

Walk through any fear and do things anyway. Learn to drop thoughts that are in counter to betterment, which are brought about by the condition.

Not everyone succeeds in these steps for long enough to develop neuronal immunity, but the condition will leave you stronger when it eventually dissipates into relative normalcy to your perception as you age if you attempt this strategy.

My experience with anxiety and depression is extensive, but simple steps are best because you do not start believing things that may not otherwise be true in the perfect sense. 

These conditions can develop into delusions and often not diagnosed levels of perceptual dysfunction if not managed logically.

The belief of things that are not actually true happens when we overstretch towards techniques that we might devise to counter anxiety that are complex and inefficient. The unseen consequences of diverse systems of thought processing open up unwanted avenues of 'invasive thought vulnerability' which are hard to predict and vary per person. Such is a pathway to delusion beyond the norm.

The mind is young and without immunity or will to change things, the conditions state survival of the fittest into counter-intellectual events if you are aware that you are under an evolutionary test of the ability to adapt in line with the power of the universe to generate divergence amidst your species.

'Everywhere I go there are possessed people and they all attack me':

The focussed manipulation of momentary 'alternate to usual' interaction against a target also plays a role. In other words, the people do not actually recognize they are being that way, because they are only momentarily being that way and are not expecting their behaviour to matter, just like it usually does not.

The isolation of targets via this methodology generates pure opposition. This in turn generates perceptual counters to be acquired by forces for future use. In other words, higher forces are guiding these interactions and they are only present often in your life, thus you are becoming paranoid, for good reason.

The world is not going to Hell, you are.

Adopt this perspective to better ascertain the nature of Good vs evil in a world of chambered perceptions that define each life differently.

The journey will be easier knowing there is light that is hidden and attainable.

You are not alone.
The fact that the majority appear to be the culprits effectively prevents the minority of your kind from asking the majority about it most of the time, so you will see little evidence it is common.


The one is all if the all is comprehensive to the one.


After numerous attempts to establish a strategy which excluded me from hostility when permitted to care that I was under attack instead of enduring it as a trial, the final solution for me was to navigate myself into all positions separately and remove them from my mental assertion of extant to myself as driving forces of will upon me and attain the comprehension that a lie can be acceptable if it is in favour of advancement. Batizo., as The Germans said, the final solution is 'I know nothing'.

The term batizo has now been transformed online into something that allows God to control the presentation of the ability itself, I guess I will have to explain it briefly.


The belief and practical assertion in all your thoughts, that advancement and adaptation is the goal, a running water never goes stale, if hell freezes over it is because you let yourself be stuck in it.




The conversation

The only audio record I have of my 'in psychosis' thoughts. 

I had overcome the worst of it already by far and this is a quite positive moment. 

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